Three Tests God Ordains for His People
Not all tests are designed with the same purpose (and some we may never grasp in this life). But we do know this: God is good. And the clearest demonstration of his goodness was at the cross. In the face of every test, we can remember Romans 8:32: “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?”
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Four Ways Bible Teachers Can Reflect Christ
While each Bible teacher may have a different style, one thing effective Bible teachers have in common is how they follow Christ’s example of great teaching
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Winning The Unseen Battles
We may experience seasons where enemies surround us, illness overtakes us, or conflict overwhelms us. In each of those cases, we can choose to fight the wrong battles, or like Daniel and Joseph, we can rest knowing God is fighting for us.
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Three Counterfeit Christs to Reject
We need the salvation and transforming power that only the real Messiah can offer. Counterfeit Christs fall short.
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For Nothing Will Be Impossible With God
Mary trusted God with her future. The coming Messiah was the answer to a long awaited promise of salvation and deliverance, and though she didn’t know exactly how God would accomplish the birth of her baby, she trusted that would do what he said he’d do.
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Steadfast, Watchful, Thankful Prayer
According to the Pew Research Center, 55 percent of Americans say that they pray every day. However, their prayers may not be the kind of prayers that Jesus taught the disciples to pray. From the Expositor’s Bible: Colossians and Philemon written in 1902: Many...
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Making the Best Use of the Time
God’s word tells us to make the most of opportunities with respect to people around us. And this New Year, we can make the most of opportunities by being ready, available, and watchful
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Seeking God: My Quest
I was brought up in the church, and some of my earliest memories are of the little country church I attended as a small child with my parents and grandparents. So you might think that my journey to faith would have been an uneventful one. This is not the case.
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A Mephibosheth Dinner Invitation
We demonstrate the love that David had for Mephibosheth for Jonathan’s sake, and the love that God has for us for Jesus’ sake, when we share that love with others.
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Handling Difficult Situations in Small Group Discussion
Leading a well-organized and smoothly operating group where everyone’s needs can be met is one of the most rewarding callings that anyone can have. Most problems can be prevented or handled with finesse with a little preparation
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